Underground Artist Review – MURS

MURS, one of the greatest Underground West Coast Rapper to grab the Mic. Born in Los Angeles, California MURS is signed to an Indepedent Record known as ‘Record Collection.

Futhermore, he is also a member of the Hip Hop Groups known as Living Legends, Felt, The 3 Melancholy, and the ‘Elusive’ Log Cabin Crew.

MURS has released about 8 solo Records and collaborate with atleast 19. MURS has lso appeared in the album of a Hardcore Metal Rock group known as ‘Terror’.

MURS released an online album on July 23, 2008 called ‘Sweet Lord’ with 9th Wonder. MURS Stated that ‘Sweet Lord’ was an online present to the fans but only if they promise to actually purchase his upcoming album Murs For President and other upcoming albums he does with 9th Wonder.

Fun Facts:

•He made a highly popular acroynm with his name ‘MURS’ and is known as Making Underground Raw Shit.

•MURS Biggest Influence is E-40, Jay-Z and Sublime.

•Most musician are ‘Anti-Filesharing’, but MURS is not one of them. He doesnt want his fans to ‘feel bad’ if you downloaded the album.

Click Here To Download ‘Sweet Lord’

3 Responses to “Underground Artist Review – MURS”

  1. T Dub-The Mailman Says:

    Nice Post.

  2. Phil Says:

    I was lovin sweet lord. Im def coppin murs 4 pres

  3. datrealchik Says:

    His murs for president album is coming out tuesday. You can listen to it for free on his myspace page from today until monday.


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