Recommended Album: Buff1 – There’s Only One

Theres Only One by Buff1 (Of The Athletic Mic League) is the rappers sophomore solo album and with this I would say he is an exception of the countless examples of hip hop artists with great debut albums and mediocre second productions.

This time around Buff1 has help from the producer Black Milk who I think is one of the best producers in underground rap right now. This album is an almost perfect cross between the lyrical content and awareness that usually stays within the realm of underground hip hop; And the quick and entertaining beats provide an element that you mostly see in mainstream rap because of the difference in producers.
Buff1 is an excellent emcee. He showcases witty and intelligent lyrics on most every track. This album is one of my top 5 overall productions of 2008. No download link for this one… Go Buy It!

2 Responses to “Recommended Album: Buff1 – There’s Only One”

  1. Stephanie Estes Says:

    Yo Mailman! I’m trying to get at you..I am Buff1’s publicist. How can I email you?

  2. T Dub-The Mailman Says:

    Is there a problem?

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