Underground Artist Review – Living Legends

Living Legends is a Underground Hip Hop Group consisting 8 West Coast Rappers. The members are known as Sunspot Junz, Luckyjam.PSC, The Grouch, MURS, Scarub, Eligh, Aesop, Bicasso and Arata.

The Group first originate with only two members, Sunspot Junz and Luckyjam.PSC in early 90’s. By 1994 in East Oakland, the Group started developing a Large Fan Base by performing in Underground Survivors Shows.

Right when the group was leaving from their first Tour, ‘The Grouch’ decided to join the group in mid 1995.

During the time, ‘The Log Cobin Crew’ broke up and left several rappers unsigned. Later on, the remaining rappers of ‘The Log Cobin Crew’ met with ‘Living Legends’ and thats when ‘Living Legends’ was formed.

The Group went on releasing several albums and Toured All Around The World. Releasing Consecutive albums the group has sold more than 300,000 albums collectively.

The Group released great albums such as The Underworld, Creative Differences, Classic, Legendary Music Volume 1, And More.

Fun Facts:

•The Grouch was featured on a tour with Zion I on Riding Shotgun, a TV program on ONLOQ.com

Damn It Feels Good – Living Legends

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