Mainstream Fan’s Guide To Underground Rap Pt. 2

If you didn’t see part 1, Click Here, but the basic point of this series is to smoothly transition and expand the hip hop tastes of the average mainstream rap fan.

Step 4: Review

Listening and examining the album Food & Liquor by Lupe Fiasco was your first assignment. If you didn’t listen to the album go do it now and refer to this article later. The rest of this article is based on the fact that you have listened to and somewhat liked the album, even if it was only 3-4 tracks. If not, please leave a comment.
Step 5: So What Now?

Lupe Fiasco is only the beginning of this whole sub-genre. In comparison, we haven’t even hit the surface yet. From here we’re continue to introduce you to general lyrical rap which is something you will hear a lot in underground hip hop. Old school rap (circa 1994 and before) has great examples of lyrical content and a raw sound that you will also find when listening to underground.
I want you to listen to Big Daddy Kane’s It’s A Big Daddy Thing

This is one of the greatest rap albums of all time and I think any rap fan, mainstream or underground, should listen to it. Again analyze it and decide which of the to albums so far do you like better. Your choice between these two will change the next step.
Look out for part 3 in this series where we will start to customize your music selection and decide what kind of underground rap would be best for you.

T Dub

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