Hip Hop Blogging Is Dead Part. 2

I got an e-mail the other day from someone responding to my first Hip Hop Blogging Is Dead post and I wanted to respond to it in another post so everyone could see.

Yo T Dub I saw your hiphop blogging is dead article and man you need to shutup. All those sites you talking about and even those leech blogs are probably making more money than you right now. Keep it to yourself nobody cares about your bitching plus your site is shit. Be humble and once you get some recognition then maybe you can run your fat mouth. You ain’t got no rep yet, plus people don’t want old stuff why would you even care about something you have already heard. Plus nobody listens to underground anymore, THATS WHY ITS UNDERGROUND.
Stop whining cuz you have 2 views per day.
My Response:

Wow that probably took you awhile to think through all that huh?
Shut up Son!
You obviously have no respect for hip hop and the innovators of the genre. And maybe you have never been to an MF Doom concert, people listen to underground, trust me, you are just too ignorant to listen to lyrical hip hop.
Oh and as for your whining about my money and views. I don’t give a shit. Attacking my site views is childish, do you have a site? do you get 500 views a day? and I don’t care about money, all the money we make from this site goes right back into it plus I pride the whole concept of The Hip Hop Post on the fact that WE ARE NOT SELLOUTS!
We don’t post “New Chris Brown Singles” just to get a couple extra views.
Plus you were telling me to be humble. Man in the famous words of Muhammad Ali, “Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far.”
Next time have your own site ready before you attack somebody else’s.
Y’all Should All Get Lynched
T Dub

6 Responses to “Hip Hop Blogging Is Dead Part. 2”

  1. Guy Fawkes Says:

    Lol T Dub you tore into this ignorant nigga…
    Props cuz

  2. DJ DENIM Says:

    underground music keeps mainstream a live….

  3. Caput Says:

    Nice comeback…phuck that n1gga

  4. APAK Says:

    lmao @ that bitch

    You ethered him anyway..

  5. drab1ne Says:

    Keep the underground reviews coming I say every time I stop by here I find something interesting so that guy can shove a sock in their mouth.

  6. Impulse Says:

    That nigga got Ho’d.

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