Tips For Finding New Music

At one point or another all of us get bored of our playlist and want some new fresh music so I compiled a list of things to do when you reach this obstacle.

1. Ask Me
Fear not the Great T Dub for I, like you, are a mortal music fan. The only difference between us is that I most likely have a bigger music library. Hit me up with a general kind of hip hop (or another genre) that you like and I can get back to you with some suggestions and downloads within a day.
I tried to tell you before, Pandora is dope if you are looking for new music.
3. iLike
iLike is an application that combines with your iTunes music library to show you music similar to whatever you are playing. Free download, it can’t hurt.
4. Your Favorite Artist’s Wikipedia Page
Usually your favorite artist will have “Affiliates” (Other Artists) on their Wikipedia page. Those affiliates could have a style similar to the artist’s style if you are willing to look into them. Also look into what record label the artist is signed to and the other artists in that label. A lot of the time artists with similar content or style are signed to the same label. 
For Example: If you like Atmosphere…  Rhymesayers Entertainment
5. Check blogs
A lot of the time a blogger will feature an artist and say who they remind him of. 
6. “Artist Mapping”
Artist Mapping is a step-by-step concept I created for fans looking for new music.
1. Pull up a tracklist for one of your favorite albums.
2. Scroll down until you find a featured artist.
3. Look them up. There is sure to be some clips of their music somewhere on the web.
4. If you like them, download some of their music, if not, go back to the original album and find the next featured artist, Repeat steps 3 and 4.
5. If you are bored or done with the featured artists on a particular album go to another album and restart the process. I guarantee you will find new music.

4 Responses to “Tips For Finding New Music”

  1. Anonymous Says:

  2. Danielle Says:

    Wow, this is actually a really useful article lol. I’m always trying to find new music, but I never have any luck aside from browsing music pages on MySpace. Props on this.

  3. Impulse Says:

    LOOOL @ “Fear not the Great T Dub for I, like you, are a mortal music fan”

    Thats funny as hell…

    Anyway, yeah, I been doing that artists mapping shit for a while now…thats how I first started listening to Big Daddy Kane because of that verse he did on Busta Rhymes Throw Some Water On Em remix. Same with Krs One, I found out about him because of Fat Joe’s “My Conscience”….etc, etc.

    (I first got a computer less than 5 months ago so thats why i didnt know about BDK and Krs, Cus they wasnt on tv like that.)

  4. drab1ne Says:

    I find going to Myspace and going from an Artists Friends list helps unearth good stuff. Also if you hear of a new rapper but you are not sure whether they are wack or not type ’em in youtube 90% of the time you’ll find a track by them.

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