Goin’ Postal

50 Cent’s upcoming game Blood On The Sand has been put on hold and for a damn good reason. This might be the most ridiculous game I have ever seen…

For full story watch video

The story line of the game consists of 50 Cent and G Unit traveling to an unknown middle eastern country to retrieve a diamond studded skull.

… Are You Serious!?
Why don’t they just go ahead and drop Kanye West into the rainforest and call it Jungle Lockdown?
Is this supposed to be a message of America’s stance towards terrorism? 
Lets send G-Unit into the Middle East to kill some terrorists!
The other thought is that maybe this game was supposed to go along with G Unit’s 2008 album release, Terminate On Sight (Which was beyond horrible).

Or maybe it is just a test from the G Unit’s marketing team. Maybe they just want to see how ridiculous a G Unit product has to be for people not to buy it.
I can just see it now…
“Oh how about we sell 8$ “G Unit gas”, and see how many people buy it!”
“No I have a better idea, lets make a game, we’ll take 50 and G Unit out of the hood and put them in the desert fighting those Iraqis and them!”

T Dub

One Response to “Goin’ Postal”

  1. Don Says:

    What’s wrong with this world in which we live? WHo can possibly answer this question. Not I.

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