Downloadable Discographies: Tupac

2Pacalypse now [1991]
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Strictly 4 my N.I.G.G.A.Z. [1993]
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Thug life [1994]
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Me against the world [1995]

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All eyez on me [1996]
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The Don Killuminati: The 7 day theory [1997]
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4 Responses to “Downloadable Discographies: Tupac”

  1. T Dub Says:

    You didn’t include post humous albums but it’s all good most of them suck to tell you the truth anyway

  2. Cathal Says:

    if you did there would be too many, best just to do the albums he actually did himself!

  3. Caput Says:

    ur missing 6…lmao

    2Pacalypse Now = 3/5
    Strickly For My Niggaz = 3.5/5
    Thug Life = 4/5
    Me Against the World = 5/5
    All Eyez on Me = 5/5
    7 Day Theory = 6/5

  4. Adi Says:

    posthumous albums are wack

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