HHP Update

Hey it’s me Travis D, sorry for the lack of updates lately and probably in the future (a couple more days). I am really busy right now and also am working on a new layout and site plan. Expect big changes coming this weekend. In the meantime, I have been going back and forth about the idea of posting full album download links on the site. I have come up with a couple of possible solutions, let me know which one you like the best…

1. Fuck the DMCA + Blogger + The Artists, keep posting DL links.

2. Open another blog which contains download links for all the artists and albums we feature on this site + more. That way you guys could still get your links but the main site would not be in jeopardy of being removed.

3. Stop posting DL links, you can get them elsewhere.

Want to help me out a little bit? Comment this post with the number 1,2, or 3 and why you chose that solution. Or come up with another possible way…


Travis D

3 Responses to “HHP Update”

  1. Dae Dae Says:

    Really the choice is yours but i say do either 2 or 3 one can F**k u ovr and get ur site taken down in which case we all lose if u do 2 we all win but u have to do a lil extra work simply becuz u will b runnin 2 sites now instead f the one and lastly if u do 3 the dl fanatics r f**ked but ur site will b gravey and not have to worry about bein taken down….my opinion do number 2 lol

  2. godfinger Says:

    Well, solution 2 might be the best one, although it would increase your work…
    Good luck, continue keepin it real^^

  3. ianism Says:

    1 would be most convenient but i think 2 would be the most practical

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