Archive for the ‘Jazz Liberatorz’ Category

Album of The Week: Clin D’oeil by Jazz Liberatorz

August 26, 2008

Lets start off this “Album of the week” with a great one. This one is a is a foreign one it was French Produced but all the lyrics are in English, it’s a foreign buy so it’s pretty expensive for a Hip Hop album but it is definitely worth the buy. The album is one of those you can listen with your Grandma. It has no explicit labels & they don’t cuss once, obviously it’s not for everyone but if you like lade back cool lyrics with smooth Jazzy beats then this album is for you. The one flaw that I personally didn’t like is that at the last minute of every song the rappers reflect on their past & talk about their favorite rappers. Some of the songs have an old school feel to them.

1. Clin d’Oeil – Jazz Liberatorz
2. Easy My Mind – Fatlip, TrĂ© Hardson, Jazz Liberatorz, Omni
3. I Am Hip Hop – Asheru, Jazz Liberatorz
4. When the Clock Ticks – Jazz Liberatorz, J. Sands
5. Genius at Work – Fatlip, Jazz Liberatorz, T-Love
6. Indonesia – Jazz Liberatorz, Tableek
7. Process – Apani B Fly Emcee, Jazz Liberatorz
8. Return – Jazz Liberatorz, Sadat X
9. U Do – Stacy Epps, Jazz Liberatorz
10. Cool Down – Raashan Ahmad, Jazz Liberatorz
11. Take a Time – Buckshot, Jazz Liberatorz
12. Vacation – J-Live, Jazz Liberatorz
13. Speak the Language – Lizz Fields, Jazz Liberatorz
14. Qidar – Jazz Liberatorz, The Soul Clan
15. Outro/Jazz Liberatorz

If you are willing to give this album a try click
Clin D’oeil

Final Rating