Archive for the ‘Kosha Dillz’ Category

Album Review: C Rayz Walz & Kosha Dillz

October 19, 2008

C Rayz Walz is an underground legend and one of the greatest freestyle battle rappers ever. Kosha Dillz on the other hand, is a fairly unknown Jewish rapper with a funny name. This idea of an album where one artist rapped a written verse while the other freestyles theirs is the first of it’s kind and also marks the first African American/Jewish collabo album ever. I had been waiting for this to drop for awhile…

• Positives

• Concept/Theme
I don’t know how Kosha thought up this idea for a Freestyle vs. Written album but it doesn’t matter. This concept is amazing and really kicks in when you hear it. At times I forgot that C Rayz Walz was coming up with his verse off the top of his head.
• Contrasting Styles
Both C Rayz Walz and Kosha Dillz have very distinct and unique voices and flows. This may not seem too important, but after you hear multiple albums from duos who sound almost exactly the same, you learn to respect this quality.
• Production
The entire album was produced by upcoming 19 year old artist Kentron Da Mastodon (Myspace Page)Beats in this album aren’t mind-blowing but I appreciate his use of samples from different genres to create a sound that works well with the styles of both artists
• Negatives
• Singing
I’m sorry Kosha, but you cannot sing. Especially on the track “I Love Jews”, it sounds like a constipated chipmunk screaming “ayyy luuuu juuuuu!!!!”.
• Lyrics
This is most likely just the product of this being the first album of it’s kind but on occasion throughout the album C Rayz Walz will say something that just doesn’t make sense. I give him props for being able to freestyle verses on an entire album I just think that with more time it could have been cleaner.
The same goes for Kosha Dillz in this category. His skills as a lyricist I felt were at a lower level than I have known it to be because of the speedy process.
* More Of A Disappointment
I would have liked to see at least one track where the place of ‘freestyle’ and ‘written’ were switched for Kosha to showcase his skills as a freestyle rapper.
Production: B
Lyrical Content: C+
Lyrical Delivery: B
Originality: A



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