Archive for the ‘Large Professor’ Category

Top 10 Hip Hop Producers Of All Time

August 29, 2008

10.Large Professor

Large Professor also known as Large Pro and Xtra P. Large Professor delivers a great instrumental for any musician.

He can go from making a smooth type of instrumental to making a hype instrumental. I cant say much about Large Professor because his instrumentals say everything about him.

9.9th Wonder

9th Wonder is known for using Fruity Loops and not a professional beat making machine. He is also the only producer who has succeed into becoming one of the greatest Hip Hop Producer to use Fruity Loops.

9th Wonder produce for rappers such as MURS, Mos Def, Jean Grae, Black Moon and much more. Many individuals dont put 9th in their list of ‘Producers Of All Time’, but He is definitely one of the greatest of all time

8. Madlib

Many know Madlib for collaborating with rapper ‘MF Doom’, but he is also one of the greatest producers out right now. Madlib is a big influence to the new generation of producers and musicians.

Madlib has an Abstract style. He is very creative wise, maybe from smoking weed all day. Madlib stated that Weed doesnt influence him but it does bring creativity to an individual. Madlib is another producer that is known for his ‘Sampling’ skills.

7. Kanye West

Kanye West of course he had to be in my list. Kanye dedicates his heart and soul to the production table. His perfectionism is matched only by Dr Dre of producers on this list. Kanye is highly known for ‘Sampling’ tracks.

His strength is definitely in utilizing soul samples extremely well and incorporating memorable melodies into his songs. Kanye West produced for many artist in any genre. My Favorite Top 3 tracks he produced are ‘Birds And Bee’ by Lupe Fiasco, ‘I Wonder’ by Kanye and ‘Heart Of The City’ by Jay Z.

6. Pete Rock

As you may know by now Pete Rock is known for collaborating with rapper ‘CL Smooth’. Pete Rock & CL Smooth are known for their Hip Hop Duo. Pete Rock is known for sampling ‘Jazz’ and ‘Funk’ music and converting them into Hip Hop Tracks.

An example of Pete Rock’s ‘Jazz/Funk’ sample is ‘They Reminisce Over You’ (T.R.O.Y). T.R.O.Y is also a memorable song in Hip Hop History. Pete Rock also loves remaking Instrumentals from other musicians and remixing them by himself.

5. J Dilla

Before I begin I would like to say Rest In Peace To J Dilla. He was truly one of the greatest producers of all time. Jay Dee was making a name for himself before he passed away. J Dilla’s production is very unique separating him from other producers. J Dilla made such dope music.

We should be thankful for J Dilla for making such great music. Jay Dee produce for many artist such as Lupe Fiasco, ?uestlove, Busta Rhymes, Q – Tip and many more. I can truly say ‘J Dilla is your favorite Producer’s Favorite Producer’. R.I.P J Dilla

4. RZA

RZA, Wu Tang’s Finest and of the greatest to produce. Many tracks RZA Produce that contains great lyrics and reach a high spot in charts is mainly cause of RZA’s Production as well. RZA is also known for producing full albums by himself.

RZA also loves ‘Sampling’. “C.R.E.A.M”, “M.E.T.H.O.D Man and many more of RZA’s production contain samples. In Wu Tang’s album ‘Enter The Wu Tang’ RZA made incorporating skits consisting samples of clips of old kung fu movies.

3. Dr Dre

Dr. Dre, many of you have heard of em’ I’m positive. Dr. Dre is an amazing producer. He relies on his drums. Dr. Dre has one of the greatest drums a producer can have. On top of that, Dr. Dre also relies on sampling. Tracks like ‘California Love’, ‘Nothing But A G Thang’ and ‘Still Dre’ consist samples from other musicians.

Dre can make any musician from wack songs to an amazing hit. We are still anticipating for Dre’s new album ‘Detox’ and I’m 100% sure he’s making every single song in it a hit.

2. DJ Premier

DJ Premier is definitely one of the greatest producers ever. Premo always produces tracks like it was his last one. Premo is known for using his MPC 40 which well give you one of the greatest platform to rap on.

Premo produced various classics such as ‘Classic’ by Rakim, ‘New York State Of Mind’ by Nas, ‘The Best Part’ by J – Live and many more. Premo will give a perfect instrumental that will let Emcee’s spit their heart out.

1. Marley Marl

Marley Marl is one of the most influential and important Hip Hop Producer in Hip Hop History. Marley Marl help many rappers succeed in Hip Hop.

Marley Marl influenced many great Producers like Pete Rock, DJ Premier, RZA And many more. Without Marley Marl Hip Hop would by different.