Archive for the ‘People Under The Stairs’ Category

Album Review: Fun DMC-People Under The Stairs

September 26, 2008

Thes One and Double K make People Under The Stairs, a Los Angeles founded alternative hip hop group known for their laid back sound and beats influenced by breakdancing.

Fun DMC is an album full of old school samples, fun rhymes, and frequently breaking beats.

The old school samples are pretty apparent in most of the songs, throughout the album an old school fan will be reminded of hits like Woo Ha by Busta Rhymes (Up Yo Spine) and especially in the track Letter 2 C/O The Bronx, a tribute to the creators and innovators of hip hop.

The whole theme of the production is focused to be laid back, perfect for chilling at the house or a barbecue. And although I appreciate the chill sound in contrast to a lot of the fast, “loud”, production coming out lately, it can get a bit repetitive or sound like the whole album mashes together into one song.

One track that stood out from the rest was Gamin On Ya, a cool storytelling song whose production features samples from what sounds like an old video game.

Also, the track People Riddum has a beautifully incorporated Odell reggae chorus which makes one of the most relaxing tracks of ’08 so far.

Final Word:

This album is sure to have at least one song you will like, chalk-full of memorable samples accompanied by cool beats and laid back lyrics make this album one of the best of ’08 so far. 

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Mm’ mmm Bitches

Thanks To Musical Schizophrenia

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