Archive for the ‘Run DMC’ Category

Topic #2- Beastie Boys Vs. Run-DMC

August 2, 2008

The Beastie Boys and Run-DMC are two legendary hip hop groups that had huge impacts and were innovators in their time. In this post I will compare the two in different aspects of their success and conclude who is the better group overall. Comparing these two groups isn’t easy because they were both so great at what they did so I will start off with a simple debut album comparison.

Debut Album:

First lets compare both group’s debut album, Run-DMC’s, Run-DMC, and The Beastie Boy’s Licensed To Ill. 


This album was different from the rest of the popular hip hop at the time it was released. Run-DMC was coming harder than anyone out there and they were using more electronic based beats while until it came out the more popular style was to use jazz based beats. And with songs like “It’s Like That”, “Rockbox”, and “Sucker MC’s”, this album was a sure classic.

Licensed To Ill

Licensed To Ill was a huge hit when it came out. It was the fastest selling debut album ever released by Columbia Records and the first rap LP to get to the top of the Billboard Pop albums chart. The Beastie Boys’ rock-rap sound appealed to a larger audience than just hard rock or rap albums. This album contained some of the Beastie Boys greatest hits like, “Paul Revere”, “Fight For Your Right”, “Hold It Now, Hit It”, “Brass Monkey”, and “No Sleep Till Brooklyn”.

Best Debut Album:

License To Ill, The Beastie Boys

Commercial Success:

Run DMC were pretty huge while they were active. They’re unique style at the time played a big part in bringing hip hop to the mainstream and if you know anything about hip hop you know who Run DMC are. (Hopefully) The Beastie Boys on the other hand had god-like popularity. Their gigantic amount of commercial success came from the fact that their style appealed to hip hop fans as well as some fans of rock and metal. They rapped and did it well but they way they carried themselves and their on-stage presence was that of a rockstar. Their debut album went 9x platinum and the next 4 went either 2x or 3x platinum. The only album in The Beastie Boys discography that didn’t go at least platinum was The Mix-Up Which was an instrumental.

Commercial Success:

The Beastie Boys

Music Production:

As far as music production both of these groups did a great job on all their albums but Run DMC has an advantage in this category. The Beastie Boys played guitar and drums and they rocked their shows but Run DMC had Jam Master Jay (RIP) who is widely regarded as one of the greatest DJs ever. They had aggressive electronic beats before The Beastie Boys even released their first album.

Music Production:


On Stage Style:

This is probably the hardest category to compare these two groups in because they are both legendary performers who had a unique style. Run DMC had the fedora hats, black leather jackets, tight jeans, cazal glasses, big chains, and of course the Addidas with no laces. Jam Master Jay was ridiculous on the turntables and all three were energetic performers who got the crowd into it. The Beastie Boys on the other hand showed up to most of their performances in matching suits and glasses although they sometimes wore different matching costumes. The Beastie Boys looked like nerds but they rocked all their shows and got the crowd on their feet.

On Stage Style:



I wouldn’t say that either of these groups were known for their lyrical genius rather than their innovations to hip hop and ability to rock the crowd. Nevertheless, after listening to both groups it seems that The Beastie Boys had an edge lyrically over Run DMC. Run DMC made fun jump around songs that people could easily sing along to. Don’t get me wrong they still came hard and they were great rappers but lyrics wise The Beastie Boys were better.


The Beastie Boys

So in conclusion I have to say that although both The Beastie Boys and Run DMC were hip hop legends, The Beastie Boys are a little higher than them on my list. Thanks for reading and look out for the next Artist Vs. Artist, Blu & Exile Vs. Blackstar.