Archive for the ‘Supported Indie Artists’ Category

AOK (Assault Of Knowledge)

August 30, 2008

AOK is a 22-year old white rapper from Slave Lake, Alberta. At least that was the first thing I noticed when reading his wikipedia page. I won’t lie either, in my mind I completely wrote this guy off, it’s not that I have anything against white people but after hearing the contestants on The White Rapper Show, I had a good reason for an initially biased view.

Finally a couple days ago I sucked it up and listened to the music he sent me, If You Don’t By This CD The Terrorists Will Win (Amusing Name) and surprisingly it was really good. Im not saying he is the next Rakim but as he says it, “It’s not exactly Illmatic but me mom thinks it’s nice”.
This album can have you shedding a tear from laughing so hard one song and listening with a straight face the next. Songs like “Fake I.D.” and “Planet Grolic” show AOK’s repulsion towards people who dress or act like gangsters when they are nothing close to it.
Then there are songs like “Freedom Is A State Of Mind” which talks about his belief that you control your emotions and freedom depending on how you think.
AOK is an artist you should look out for in the future, not for dope rhymes but for interesting content and maybe a laugh or two.
T Dub